Wednesday 28 February 2018

Thursday 15 February 2018

The Worst Dinner Ever

By Ben Wright
I am learning to: inform my audience by sharing and entertaining moment.

“Ok what are we having for dinner,” I said in a grumpy voice. Mum didn’t answer because she was too busy driving. When we got to our destination I moaned again, “Why are we at the supermarket.” When we got inside the freezing cold New World I said, “What are we doing here,” “Mum answered “Just getting a few things.”

When we got home I played in my room then a hour later I smelt that awful smell of satay sauce. Some people like satay and normally I would like it but this time it smelt awful. The smell got stronger so I shut my bedroom door to block the smell it did not help it just seeped through the gaps.

It was awful then I looked at my watch I saw the dreadful time it was 6.30, the time of dinner then I heard mum call. I tried to walk slowly while covering my nose, it did not work mum kept yelling, I knew I was going to die from the horrid smell.

I was at the dinner table with my disgusting meal in front of me. Me, my sister and my dad all just sat there at the table all dead silent this was very awkward. Only mum could finish the meal. No dessert for me.

Friday 9 February 2018

An amazing day at the movies!🙂

When my Dad told me that we were going to see The Last Jedi, I was so excited and the best part was that my sister wasn’t coming (she is so annoying.) I went to my lolly container and grabbed a crunchie bar and set off to the movies. When we got in to St Lukes mall I was all hyper and excited because I had my chocolate bar in the car. My Dad wanted a coffee and we had to go to starbucks, which was ok because it was right next to the movies. We sat down in our red, comfy seats and the movie started which was a surprise. At the end of the movie I was tired as it was 7pm.