Wednesday 28 March 2018

Red Robot

I.A.L.T write about what happens before during and after an event

A young boy called Josh was bored of cleaning his gigantic room every day. He loved diving into his big,bouncy, soft bed and scrambling under the sheets. He would hide from his mum and cover himself with enormous pillows. Josh’s Mum would shout from the other side of the house screaming “tidy your room Josh or no dinner!” Josh was used to having no dinner because he would make a scrumptious big lunch. But today he felt like a big man-eating boy so he shoved his big pile of stinky clothes into his wardrobe.This was hard because his wardrobe was so tiny, he threw his sheets on his bed and shot through the air to the kitchen. He was starving, he ate his dinner and dragged himself to bed. That night he dreamed about having a robot that would always clean his room every single day and then he would hide it under the damp cardboard box in the deep corner of his room.

When Josh woke up he had a plan to make a soundproof robot that would clean his room every day.
So that day at mechanics class he made a red robot and named him Robot Red. Josh shoved him in his blue backpack and speed off on his bike zooming down the streets. When he got home he shoved his bike to the side and ran up the stairs to his room. He pressed the start button and the robot buzzed to life “I AM ROBOT RED ” it exclaimed “I WILL CLEAN YOUR ROOM” and it set off to work. Josh was amazed, it cleaned his room until one day he packed the robot up and hid it in a big pile of clothes and left. But this time he forgot to shut the robot down so it came stumbling out of wardrobe and saw that the bathroom needed a mop and so he moved to the bathroom. Josh’s mum was still asleep in bed from a late night while Red was mopping the floor. Red smashed into the cabinet draws and stuff came flying out making a racket then he heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom and used some plunges and ran up the wall and flew to the ceiling and in came mum “Josh?” Mum questioned, nobody answered then mum went back to her bed. Red lowered himself to the ground and hovers to another room it was the kitchen.

There were dishes everywhere, the rubbish was spilling out of the bin, it was a disgrace so the robot set off to work. Starting with the dishes placing all of them in the sink he poured dish washing liquid and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed until he was done then went towards the bin dodging everything in his way, holding his shiny, metal nose. He ran to the cupboard grabbed a face mask and shovelled to scoop up the mess, he ran around the place scooping everything until he got the last piece. He was sprinting on his tiny robot feet when he missed the banana and KABOOM, smashing into the fridge this time there was stomping towards the kitchen yelling “IT IS TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL JOSHUA OR YOU WILL BE 2 HOURS LATE!” Red was sprinting towards the glass door smashing through it jumping over the wooden fence and hid in the bushes.

Mum was looking around shocked it was spotless until she saw the huge robot shaped dent in the fridge. She sprinted to the phone and dialled 111 and yelled “I’VE BEEN BURGLED BY A ROBOT.” There were sirens rushing down the main road just as the lunch bell went at Josh’s school and he saw the speeding police cars parked outside his house and the police ran through the front door. Josh was shocked. The next day mum told Josh all about the robbery and Josh felt terrible, he knew it must have been his self cleaning robot so he told his mum in disappointment. That night he was grounded for life.

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