Monday 28 May 2018

🐢Sea Turtles🐢

I am learning to inform my audience through explanation

Sea turtles are reptiles and have been around since the late Jurassic period. All sea turtles can not put the head, arms and legs inside their shell like normal turtles. There are three stages of the life cycle of sea turtles egg, babies and adulthood.

First is the egg stage, the mother will lay around 100 to 110 leathery ping-pong ball size eggs. A month and a half later the surviving sea turtles will hatch and 20% of them will not survive. Each one is small enough to fit in a palm of a hand and now the sea turtle has to scramble to the water.

The second stage is the baby sea turtle. While scrambling to the water there are fierce creatures awaiting them like crabs, pitfalls, racoons and they are a perfect bite size meal for seagulls. When the surviving sea turtles reach the water they have a whole new world ahead of them and a lot more predators awaiting them like fish, sharks, dolphins and sea birds when the young sea turtles come to breathe.
Once it is bigger it has some protection of size. The only furious predators now are the bigger sharks and the occasional killer whale. Around 10 sea turtles will survive to breeding age without human interference. Only 1 sea turtle will survive to breeding age with human interference because of nets, plastic refuges and oil. When they are around 20 years old the female will climb back to normally the closest beach and lay those leathery ping pong ball size eggs.
In conclusion sea turtles have three life stages. They are very rare animals and humans need to make them have a nice and happy life.

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