Monday 10 December 2018

Why Eat Bugs

Why Eat Bugs

I am learning to persuade my audience using persuasive writing and emotive words. 

By Ben

Did you know that most people who try bugs really enjoy eating them? If you heard someone was eating bugs for breakfast, lunch and dinner you would think that person is revolting and say “gross!” In my opinion I think that you should have at least have one bug in each meal. My challenge for you today is to try a bug in each meal for one week. Did you know that it turns out, at least two billion people consume insects as part of their diets? That is shocking so I think you should try at least one. There are many reasons why we should eat insects in our diet such as bugs are healthy, low in fat and tasty, fun treats. 

When I mean try a bug I don't mean just go and boil a worm and eat it, I mean you can make a recipe up and make it, such as mealworm fries, cricket chocolate biscuits and much more. Bugs are a nice tasty treat, so you can put them in a bag and have them when you’re out and about. For example, when you’re biking you can have a muesli bar with crickets (yum yum) or maybe you want a little treat like chocolate covered crickets. Not only is cooking with insects tasty and yummy, they are also a healthy option. 

Did you know that bugs actually have the same amount of protein as an egg, or a chicken!? Cockroaches and crickets are one of the healthiest bugs you can eat and beetles are the most common. The good thing is that bugs create a lot less greenhouse gases than a cow, and need a lot less land to raise. Here's the number one reason to eat bugs: They're good for you! They've got protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins and essential minerals. You can also be creative with your cooking.

People eat bugs all around the world like China, U.S.A, India. There is outstanding recipes such as crunchy crickets covered in chocolate and there are some yummy mealworm fries and did you know that there are over 2,000 recipes that you can try at home and enjoy and put into your meals. You can even make up your own recipes or even insert bugs into recipes you don’t normally put bugs in. 

As you can see there are many reasons why you should cook with bugs. Like tasty treats you love. Also how it’s healthy, high in protein and low in fat! As well as amazing recipes around the world. So that's why you should try bugs today!

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